Where can I listen to monitors in Singapore?


New member
I'm looking at getting some small nearfield active monitors, and have narrowed the list to Mackie HR624, Genelec 1029A, Event TR6 and KRK 4's (although I may still go for an 8" woofer, not sure yet).

Anyone know where I can listen to these monitors (all in the same place if possible)? I'm a Singapore newbie (well, not really, been here 17 months!) but I haven't needed to visit music shops...until now. The only shops I've been into are one in Park Lane (Sinamex? think they may have had the KRKs there) and the Yamaha place in Plaza Singapura.

Any help much appreciated!
You can try hung bros at sim lim square. 3rd storey. Avoid the shop on the left of it. A bit of a shmuck....
they're all like that ... but when you flash some credit cards or big dollar bills in front of their faces, they treat you a whole lot differently
my friend works for Genelec. if you are really interested i could arrange a demo
Thanks stalefish, I might take you up on that kind offer actually. I'd like to hear the less pricey monitors first though, esp. the Event 6's. Next stop Hung Bros to take a look around...