What are your expectations when recruiting new band members?


New member
I am quite curious about the expectations of bands in general towards newly recruited members.

For bands that do mostly covers, do you expect your new dude to learn and know your songs (melody/chords etc) beforehand before joining in for a jam or you actually provide the scores/chord charts for them?

For bands doing originals, do you provide the scores/chord charts for the new member or you expect him/her to be able to follow what your band plays?
We recruited a new female vocalist a few months ago and this was our expectations that she has met quite well.

1. Be able to sing (at least in tune, in key and in rhythem).

2. No stage fright and have showmanship.

3. Able to reherse once a week in studio and perform occassionally for events, D & Ds or simlpy jam in clubs etc as & when the band requires.

4. Able to download, burn and learn new songs within a short space of time (both as lead or backing vocals) and memorize the lyrics as we dont use song sheets on stage when we perform. For original tunes, demos are usually given.

5. Able to get along with the guys in the band and put up with our antics, crude jokes, smoking, drinking and generally be "one of us" rather than a "princess" that we had to accomodate.

6. Presentable looking when on stage.

7. Generally have no airs, attitude and if possible a similar liking for our genre of music.

We found the perfect candidate among the few who applied. She wasnt the best singer but many a time character is just as, if not more important than ability. The chemistry of the band must be "there" or else it becomes a chore ...
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give them the songlist and chord chart, so no excuse not to learn. Can also gauge the person's attitude and commitment by seeing if he/she learned the songs or come up with excuses that he/she is so super extremly very busy so have no time to learn the song
well early this year, we auditioned a bassist and a vocalist. my band mainly play originals but during the audition time, we played covers cos we were afraid that the new members might steal a riff or something before the auditions.

we see if they can play the covers before showing them our originals
I agree on the part of not releasing your originals to new members to prevent potential riff robbers.

I am actually referring to musicians who play a musical melodic instrument like guitar, bass, keyboards etc. So you guys actually provide a list of songs (bare minimum) or chord charts (highly appreciated) to the new dude so that he/she can prepare in advance, instead of expecting them to come without knowing exactly what to play and be a walking jukebox?
you didnt invite me nor fgl to the gig.must have special invitation cause we are special :D
Let me see....my expectation is
the auditionee learn all the songs before hand and bring enough money for the studio fee.