

New member
Hey guys been lurking in the bass forums for a while now. Umm am thinking of getting another bass to 'accompany' the one i have now. I have an MTD Beast 4 modded with an extra bartolini preamp. That bass is super great for funk and has a very burpy and punchy slap tone. Its a vvvv bright sounding bass.
Am thinking of getting another one to 'accompany' it looking for a darker/brooding tone more woody i suppose. I was thinking warwicks. I had the pleasure to try a thumb 5 and a Streamer Standard. Both on the different end of the price range.
I preferred the tone of the thumb real punchy, woody, dark and authoritative but the neck is super humongous. Maybe should try the 4 stringer version but am thinking since am getting another bass i prob should venture into 5 stringer territory perhaps?
The other basses in the warwick line streamer stage 1/2 FNA Jazzmans etc havent had the opportunity to try em.
Would like to her comments from you. Other brands are fine but hahaha warwicks are tempting me,..
Erm whats your question again? :)

Most warwicks sound very esoteric. Between the thumb and the FNA Jazzman, the Jazzman is just slightly more versatile (to me). Both are 'nasal'. I like Melvin Wong's Streamer (the single pickup thing) at Luthers. You tried that? Killer deal.
Hehehe sorry if I confused you with the wordings,...
Just asking about comments on warwicks basses in general.(playability/tone/workmanship) I have my eye on a thumb 5 perhaps. And am thinking of giving melvins streamer a spin (I bought my mtd from him hahaha)
Just want to get another bass to complement mine, tonally opposite perhaps. Dark/growly tone thats why warwicks comes to mind. Jazzman that would be interesting as well if can try one in Singapore.. hahaha rare beast,... :twisted:
watch out for the necks though. they warp pretty bad. i dun haf a choice but to run pretty high action on mine. i dun min though since i hav a hard attack. heh.
Yup2 theres a distinct mark on the bass body near the pickups where i think the previous owner rested his thumb in tt position. Hes asking 2.5K a bit steep tho,. wanted to try but yeah when i went there the shop was full so cant test perhaps next time,..

Thanks for the heads up,...
shut up jiawei. i tightened my truss rod till damn tight alrdy. looked like it was ok alrdy. few days later i'm back with the same amt of warp. damn.
me no bass expert
but do you detune your bass before tightening the truss rod ?

you should detune, tighten truss rod
tune bass to check

might help
yea. its tightened like i've screwed in an ass plug, haha now the neck's warped 2 ways
overtightend yet warped. grr

gonna change to fretless antime soon. haha
speakin of warwicks , shud i get that 5-stringed 2 soapbar warwick for $800 at swee lee? i may be able to force the cash outta my dad if i try hard enough.
u JUST got that J&D right? u sure ur dad'll let you? haha

anyway yea, the rockbass u mentioned is a really good buy! superior slap tone. can sound better than my warwick in some ways, honestly. haha
You don't say! I'm not typically a fan of Warwicks, but after taking if for a test run the other day, I'm really GASsing for that Warwick Streamer Jazzman at Guitar Connection!

It's got unreal tone, man! :twisted:
Don't got enough dinero, man. Looks like I'll still be a Jazz Bass man for many years to come. :lol:

Anyway, I'm also partial towards the P/J Warwick Streamers, but I've only ever seen one example around, and that was about three years ago.
Not sure man, I didn't ask about it, although I did see a price tag on the heel of the neck.

2,500 was the big number on the printed on it. If that's really the price, which I suspect it is, then I really can't afford it! :(