Van Halen And David Lee Roth


New member
hey peeps i heard that they are coming next year! could anyone tell me whether this is true please! thanks ya'll! i'd be so exited if they really are man! hahaha!
Woah! Now if this is true then it'll be even more special because Wolfgang Van Halen who's Eddie's son will be the bassist. Much drama has been going on in the Van Halen camp and for years and t would be a very special occasion to occasion to witness these guys performing live here in the flesh. It was afterall Eddie Van Halen my very first guitar inspiration that got me picking up the instrument. Let's see what comes of this ya. :)
hahah yeah man imagine if they perform here! omg omg Ain't Talkin Bout Love! together with david lee roth somemore hahah!
Don't post unless there's official news on it..

People will hope and hope.. But if never, heart shattered..