Tze n Looking Glass - Late Nite Show3 Sep


New member
Tze n Looking Glass
3 Sep 2011, Sat, 9.30pm
Esplanade Recital Studio

Tze is a self-taught composer and pianist, who has created music for full-length feature films, contemporary dance productions, jazz/chamber/experimental groups and multidisciplinary projects. Together with the rest of his ensemble, Tze n Looking Glass create music that is an exotic fusion of East and West a blend of film score, improvisational jazz, Chinese, Indian and European classical music.

Inspired by the magical journeys in Alice in Wonderland, the band creates music that is both an introspective mirror with which listeners can reflect upon life and themselves, and also a portal to new worlds, possibilities and dreams. Tze n Looking Glass conjure organic improvisations and colourful sonic textures in their expansive cinematic songs that are rooted in structural composition.

Exhibiting influences from a wide variety of composers such as Ryuichi Sakamoto, Ennio Morricone, Keith Jarrett, Igor Stravinsky and Yoko Kanno, this eclectic sextet with their music instruments from Western, Indian, and Chinese classical traditions make this Late Nite an unforgettable auditory journey.

Tze n Looking Glass is Tze (Piano), Lazar T.Sebastine (Indian Violin), Teo Boon Chye (Saxophone) and Dai Da (Er Hu), with guest musicians Patrick Wong (bass), Jennifer Ng (drums).
1 hr, no intermission