Tribute to Les Paul screening at library@esplanade, Sun 22 Nov, 5PM


New member
A must for all guitarist and musicians, come catch the tribute to Les Paul screening on Sunday 22 November 2009, 5PM at library@esplanade's Open Stage, and stand a chance to win great prizes sponsored by Gibson at the end of the video screening.

If everything goes well*, you'll get a chance to witness a premiere screening of the sold out Intimate Tribute to Les Paul concert at the Ryman in Nashville, which takes place on 19 November 2009. This is a historical event worth witnessing Singapore will be the first country to screen this historical event.

Spread the word and bring your family and friends down to library@esplanade for this screening. Admission is free and all are welcome!

For more info on the tribute concert, check out this link ->

* Screening of the Tribute to Les Paul concert at the Ryman will be made if the video is ready by Sunday 22 Nov 09, else, a documentary of the life of Les Paul will be screened instead.