Tissue Hime & Uconn *Jap Bassist*

tissue hime is not ucon, though maybe some ppl out there will never be convinced :rolleyes:

this is ucon
tissue hime is not ucon, though maybe some ppl out there will never be convinced :rolleyes:

this is ucon

Wuh. Wow.

But, doesn't look like the same person in the videos lei. Even the costume slightly different.
unco e
EDIT: See the hair length, hair colour, inner material colour (neck, one is light blue one is the same as the shoulder), blue shoulder liner colour (one red one black).

EDIT x2: Wuh. Wow. Saw it on her website.
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And the website is?

Most of her videos are uploaded by a user called "electrosphere75" on youtube. I believe that's her brother, the tall masked dude that appears in some of her videos. If you check electrosphere75's user page on youtube, that (ucon's photo) is the background.

I'm still not 100% convinced its her, but its been quite a while since he has uploaded a video with her in it, so maybe her constume has changed and she's grown out her hair?

Wish she wasn't so cute though, would have liked to respect her as a bassist to a bassist, but right now she's too nosebleed-worthy to do that. -_- And she makes my 6-string playing look bad too. -_-