tabs for local songs.

learn by ear. ;)

watch live videos if you can for reference.

i've always been meaning to properly figure out the bassline for Electrico's I Want You but never really got to it. That, and the bass solo in Ronin's Revolution.
lol.. get to know them and ask them to teach you!!!.. =/
else learn by ear lo...
Dont know bout that, unless u ask them first i guess?.. otherwise play originals still the best!
That'll be interesting.. haha
or mayb perform at the same gig then play each others originals also can
yupp coverin local bands thats was my motive of getting this. unless we improvise it? how about starting a web site where all the local bands come together and just chat about stuff.
hahaha we should start a website. that would be pretty cool.

Hey, sorry to keep you waiting for that cover of 'Shoebox'. We are still trying to figure out how it should be done. Will send you the demo once it's done. Hopefully, we should get our asses moving before the end of the month. :)
i've actually emailed and asked 'the moderates' (ol freakin school, if anyone still remembers them!) for their song 'anthem for the assholes' b4. and they passed e tabs to me :D

this was way back in 2001 for sum school concert and i still really really suck at guitar. hahaha
@visa: Always wanted to play I Want You too! Can't get it figured out too. Hit me when you do okay? ;)

I guess learning by ear is by far the best way to learn local songs on your own. In the process, one's ear would be much more sensitive; no doubt helping you progress towards your musical goals!
I've been meaning to do and put up acoustic covers of other local bands' originals but I don't have a video camera! =(
allo, what uncle!! I am just 2+ years your senior. ha..ha..

Well, if any bands want to upload their music score onto SOFT, I will be more than happy.

hahahha yeah luh just joking ! Why don't we Like Advertise it On the Home page or something. or get softies to pass the word around. then soft will be like the next ultimate-guitar or something. hahaha!

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