Swing and Twirl


New member
Does any of you guys swing your guitar?
as in really throw your guitar to the back and let it swing over to the front?

like story of the year

tell us how do you do it.....
and what gears and guitars you use...
Its easier to do it back first liek in the video. If you wanna do the malmsteen frontal spin, gotta be a lil careful the horn doesn't land in your spine or i can predict you'll feel much pain... Or not feeling at all... =D
cable right... you'll have to spin harder and the ending point must be there it is.. so it won't tangle up your body..

beware of frontal flips, the strap might burn your neck...
yup i tried it a few times..i just used a good and secure strap. those that wont come off easily(mine's a Levy Strap). i swing it backwards with cables on. just really needa swing super hard. the cable u have to put it between the straps before plugging into the jack so it wont come off while swinging..but it really burns ur neck, so i suggest u wear sumthing with collars.
lol.. after watching some of the videos on youtube.. might not want to do already..
but the saosin one was really cool..
btw zarin, demo at dxo ah!!
haha demo at dxo?! siao ar..i shy...HAHA no la..cant ar..cos the songs we playing got no breaks and the stage also not that big ar..ahaha next time man..next time..
yeah sometime... the song need to have a little break..

then later
