Steinberger headless bass

I saw one at guitar workshop's display window sometime back. It's 2nd hand but looks decent. Not sure if it's still there. You can call to check. 63340071.
wild guess - since steinberger is under gibson - have you tried calling swee lee to check (being a dealer here for gibson)? i remember swee lee used to stock steinberger strings.
my friend just got his steinberger headless bass (spirit, not synapse) shipped over from the U.S.. he ordered online via perhaps you should order online. In singapore, i highly doubt they have it.. cause my friend called to check swee lee that time and they say the factory is currently in the process of upgrading the models and they arent ready to ship it out. Besides, even if swee lee had it, it would break your bank as they love overpricing stuff(not dissing them, just seeing it this way) All the best!