Special treat for Lee Min Ho fans


New member
IF YOU didn’t know by now – which either means you’re not a fan or haven’t been reading the news – Korean actor Lee Min Ho, best known as the guy playing Goo Jun Pyo in the K-drama Boys Over Flowers, will be in town.

He’ll be here for an event curiously titled “Minoz The First Asian Fan Meeting – First Love With Singapore”, where he’ll be singing and sharing some insights into his life. Sort of like a Storytellers session.

Okay, this is the bit where you fans can perk up: He’ll be flying in this Sunday (Dec 20) at 8pm on flight Asiana OZ 753. He’ll be leaving on Tuesday night. (You do the math – don’t say we didn’t tell you.)


Cool as a cucumber, hot as kimchi: Lee Min Ho

And according to the organisers – and I quote – “Lucky fans will also be able to get up close and personal with Lee Min Ho through many games where they can take Polaroid photos with him, send him a sms, chat with him over the phone, hold his hands and even have their forehead against his forehead for that precious few seconds!”

I’m just the messenger here.

However, organisers have also issued a set of things to note. And again, I quote:

  • Professional cameras and video recording equipment are strictly prohibited. So if you have anything more professional looking than an iPhone, you’d better not bring it. Who cares if YouTube doesn’t require professional quality images.
  • Those who have bought the $188 tickets should redeem their exclusive poster upon entering the venue. Redemption is via ticket stub only. Very Important. Er, otherwise you don’t get your poster, lah!
  • Fans are encouraged to drop their name, mobile number, any questions and message they have for Lee Min Ho in the box provided at the entrance. This is NOT – I repeat, NOT – some ploy I added so that I can make more “friends”. No, no. Mr Lee himself will eventually get those messages. But don’t hold your breath on him calling you back immediately.


Fan mail tickles Min Ho’s heart, which is as warm as… oh, wait I’ve done the kimchi joke already, haven’t I?

Also, bring cash if you want to buy official merchandise at the event. “Only cash payment is accepted,” they said. Which means a total of $78 if you want to buy the T-shirt and travel pictorial. Of course, do I have to remind you to be careful if you’re carrying this much money around?

Okay, it may not seem much to you, but think of the poor starving children in less fortunate countries. According to charity organisation World Vision, even $15 is enough keep a child alive for a year – or something like that. I’ll read their brochure I promise… after I go for the event.

The event will be held on Dec 21, 8pm at the MAX Pavilion @ Singapore Expo. Tickets priced at $188, $148, $98 from Sistic. Visit www.sistic.com.sg or www.unusual.com.sg to purchase.

This event is brought to you by Starhaus Entertainment and UnUsUaL Entertainment.

ehm....... knows he looks polished, but din know he can sing.
At least the other guys is from T-Max or SS501.