some one like dhaliff

The fusion thingy is not my thing la.... sounds cool for awhile...
its hard to play and all... but i'll never buy their album.

loved that first guy's playing. hes just playing the shit outta that strat... really solid stuff... then when you think hes just very good.. he pulls out the over handed legato tapping thingy.... wah lan eh... *respect*
Hey man, neither is the fusion thingy my thing but hahaha... I LOVE the way that dude played, hybrid picking is insane! Ok well, not really if you started with hybrid picking all along lah but its something really cool and adds a nice different dimension of tone to your playing.

One thing cool abt that other guy in the vid is the amout of gain used. That is such a revelation to me when I found out you don't need THAT much gain to play stuff... geez. That's really the main thing ( i think the only thing so far... ) i really envy strat players with their lower output pickups... the low gain thing really shapes your techique, something I'm only learning now with the Bill Lawrence singles...

Anyway, me can't live with listening to a whole album of either playing styles though they would be cool for a few songs... the fusion guy is a great head trip especially when you try to figure out why he's playing this and that!
lower output pickups really require you to play harder.

different sound man..when you whack to strings...

so that says it all. Only ppl with big tummy can play like him. i hv a cute tummy, so that means i am still far away.
h FYI dhaliff has been thru BMT and is now a hunk ok ....

anyway i was seriously talking about his playing... it gave me that same raw technique "play the FXXX out of your strat" feeling that i got from liffy la...