Soft loading very very slowly, sometimes doesn't load at all


New member
Recently I've been experiencing problems with the website. It takes very long to load and sometimes loading just stops at the top banner, and stays that way no matter how many times I refresh. Any of you facing the same problems?
Site has been loading fine for many months consistently, even on my phone. Could it be related to the banner ad itself (if supporting members see less ads)

Thanks for your feedback. Need some details from you.

1. Computer system
2. Internet speed
3. Time (day/night) when download is slow
1.Macbook Pro 2011
2.Not too sure but its Singtel Mio, should be pretty fast cos I can play Steam online games very smoothly
3.Throughout the day

Few weeks back the loading was very fast, only recently did this happen...
I've been having slightly slower loads for the past few months too but it hasnt been too big of a problem for me. Only happens once in awhile and refreshing solves all problems. Appears almost instantly after refreshing. Definitely either due to my internet connection or my laptop because it also happens for other web pages too.