Is it just me, or is anyone else encountering this problem?...


New member
Hi all,

Just want to know if there's anybody else experiencing the same problem with me. I've been on different servers and the problem is still there, so I'm wondering if the website is having a problem.

SOFT is lagging, and often threads don't even load even if I refresh multiple times. I've been having these problems for a number of days now.

Anyone also experiencing this?
ME! all the links and tabs take a long long time to load, and scrolling is also laggy. BUT this only happens with my home computer. On my office office, none of such lagging is experienced.

I wonder if it is because of Vista or the browser or etc, because my office laptop that doesn't lag has outdated hardware (1gb ram, 60gb harddrive, 1.66ghz) and running on xp and IE7. On the other hand, my home desktop with comparatively better hardware (2gb ram, 500gb harddrive, 2.50 ghz) running on vista and IE8 always lags in Somehow i don't experience lagging in other websites, only in

so can anyone uncover the mystery?
Hmmm... I'm using Windows XP Professional and Internet Explorer 7, and on my home server and school server, I get the same problem. Yep, only SOFT, not experiencing it on other websites which I find quite weird.
from eugenesmasher's post, it seems like it's not the OS or the browser that's causing the lag, since my XP Pro and IE7 (same as eugenesmasher) in my office laptop did not lag, but my Vista and IE8 in my home desktop lags.

anymore cases for us to come up with a general conclusion?
if it's due to the service provider, then why only and not other websites? even youtube is streaming properly and other picture-intensive forum threads loading as per normal.
I have this problem all the time on most of the computers I use. Thought it was just me since no one else brought it up. Suspect the extensive javascript usage- the banner loads first, but nothing else loads for pretty long even though it says "done" at the bottom of the screen. I have to leave it waiting for quite a while before the posts appear.
It runs relatively well on my Macbook, which is about 6 to 7 months old. No lag, but it depends on the wireless as well.

It works well on the PC as well. 3GB, XP Pro. No lag on SOFT
Mine is not a lagging issue but more of being logged off automatically from soft when I'm viewing another 'tab' or window for too long.
U guys have the same experience?
Mine is not a lagging issue but more of being logged off automatically from soft when I'm viewing another 'tab' or window for too long.
U guys have the same experience?

Yup. Had a similar problem. I got automatically logged out every time I opened a thread, and every time I wanted to post something, I'd have to log in again.
Let's keep this thread to current problem. Easier for me to troubleshoot.
i found a possible reason for my lag already! previously my explorer was at 125%.
now i resized it to 100% and í can feel a significant improvement in loading and scrolling speed.

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