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Singstage Superstar!


The Singstage Superstar contest is launched! If you have what it takes to earn the accolade of Singstage Superstar, join now. For more details, please visit Singstage: home
Hmm... I can't open it. Something's wrong.

I'd take any opportunity so if this helps, i'll definitely go for it.

But until i can open it, i have no idea what this is.

Hi KhaiHan,

Singstage is currently up and running, please try to access it again. If you encounter further problems, please let us know at for error details so that we can assist further. Thanks.
Ok cool i got it up and running.

Sigh... This comes when i've lost all my recordings.. :(

The only one i have now is I Wanna Be Loved. Hope it rocks the people...

I'll be recording Leaving Me Behind this Sunday hopefully.... Wish me Luck!
Hi Khaihan, your artist profile has been approved. Please do login and upload your songs. We wish you all the best for the Singstage Superstar contest.
not to be racists or whatever, i'm just wondering why isn't Malay and Tamil be in the poster as well? Or maybe there's one and it isn't uploaded...
Hi fgl, you can upload as many songs you like to Singstage for your artist profile showcase, but for the contest only one song will be accepted per artist.

Khaihan, my answer would be that I can't write in Malay or Tamil. ;) But definitely, songs of any language is welcomed! Music transcends across languages. If you are able, maybe you can help me translate the poster to Malay? Thanks! Oh maybe in the meantime you would like to upload "I Wanna Be Loved" to share with us. :D

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