Singaporean victimized.


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YouTube - Angmoh hits 2 singaporean girls! part 1!

Well i was really bored so i went on youtube and saw
some video of a singaporean who "claimed" to be victimised.
Well to me i guess this is bullshit... i think she DID something to be beaten. I am sure he is in the right state of mind to react to an action.

Well i just saw the vid and would like to share it with the rest of the fellow softies who would like to discuss on this. Hmm.. perhaps we could draw conclusions like CSI!

well keep this thread going guys..

haha.. to me.. its jus weird to be able to take out ur hp and start to record it in the midst of all these chaos. the victim really has a sick mind of its own. but well, there's no recording of the gals being hit are there?
this vid came out on stomp and then the new paper some time ago. apparently the 'victim' is some female blogger slash attentionwhore. you know the type. apparently she banged some auntie with her bag or something. the auntie got pissed and started shouting shit at her. the girl tried to escape when the auntie's angmoh boyfriend (not bad eh) chased her down, the thing escalate, the girl's ahbeng boyfriend got involved, people start whacking the angmoh

cant remember the exact details, but its a super small trivial matter, clash of big egos. don't bother
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I support the angmoh guy.. He can't be beating up the girl if the girl didnt do anything to him unless if that guy is mentally insane..

Singaporeans are so petty.. Likes to create trouble and causing all the people to watch and enjoy the free show.. That's a huge crowd I tell you.. Can be put inside the beat merchant studio for a gig..
This will probably spiral into some race-bashing thread which I hope, doesn't happen. Everything is just speculation and is but one side of the story. All there really is to this hullabaloo is the colour of the skin, in my opinion. Let's be objective and take this as a human issue, and not a racial one.

And with that, I don't think there's much discussion to be made. Period. :)
to be precise, it's at toa payoh. lol. i work there.
no wonder the surrounding looked familiar..
but still if the ang moh is just beating her for self-defence, then its not his fault. its human nature to fight back.
that Singaporean guy is making me damn pissed off.

for what he makes such a big fuss? he wanna be seen on newspaper?
i support the ang moh. the girl must havent definitely done something. stupid singaporeans...making our reputation bad around the world.
"this is singapore"

scolding the guy just cos he's a caucasian.

if it was a singaporean it MIGHT be different. they just dont wanna let that caucasian guy go, cos he's caucasian.

making a big fuss
i think the video has been wrongly labelled. it doesn't actually show the white guy to be physically abusing two girls. instead, it shows HOW passersby react to the incident. lol.

besides, i think the two girls were asking for it. no one in their right mind would just go beat up a stranger like that. unless the girls provoked the couple first, i don't see why the couple would've retaliated.
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that's not how they should have handled the situation la.
and yes, I do get the sense that that ah pek is trying to be hero because that guy's a caucasian. really do sense the bitterness in him.

and just because those were GIRLS.

and it's a rather biased and unfair video to post on such a popular website. we don't even know the whole story and they have obviously wrongly labelled those videos.
yeah. what struck me was. wheres the security? In the bank? and the mall security too.

the last part, the ang moh's girlfriend reaches toward the camera person. heh.

That guy there who keeps shouting " this is singapore! You think where arh! your country arh! "

that cracked me up.