mass order thread


New member
Hi guys, I'm organizing a mass order thread on the bass side for items. SX guitars and stuff...

If you guys want anything, please hurry, I'm ordering in a few days time.

Here's the formula: (cost of item x 1.47+ 50sgd"big item"/ 30sgd"small item") x 1.07"gst"= amount you have to transfer to me.

If there are leftovers, I will transfer the excess back to you guys.

Transfer to: 209247828 POSB savings

After you have transfered the money over. Please send me an email. Things to include in the email...

1. The total cost of the items and please show it in the formula thingy that I made up because I'm not very good at Math.
2. Copy and paste the links of the items you are purchasing.
3. Leave a handphone number so that I can contact you.
4. Your bank account number
5. If you think I have missed out something in the list, do tell.


EDIT: Collection will be at Clementi
buy buy buy me one while you are at it !!!

this one
I'm estimating if I get around 10 orders, it will be about 50 a piece. If there aren't enough orders, then I may need extra. If there are a ridiculous amount of orders, the guy receiving the shipment from me(I'm going to NS soon) will get some of me dubloons, argh!

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