Ronaldo's free kick teachnique- Looks difficult or easy?


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Hi guys

I was watching youtube on 1 day when I saw this short instructional video. This video was aimed to decipher CR9's free kick technique. Followed them and I tried out what they said. It worked at some point. I got the elevation, but i am not sure about the power. What do you guys think?
is his technique really that big a deal? there are/have been a lot better free kick techniques
His technique is rather unique and his freekicks are, well, rather special. It's just like Beckham's bend.

Of course there are many other techniques out there... But the techniques do not matter. It's ultimately the players who have to execute-whether the ball goes in or not, it's really up to the players' level of competence.
does ronaldo have diving & cry baby tantrums instructional videos as well?
LOL FGL i want his gangbang instructional vids ahahahahaaha. The technique requires a lot of leg torque, something only constant gymming will get you. Else, stick to the normal way. This technique also puts a lot of stress on your knee (i feel pain after striking the ball like that 20 times) and ankle, so i don't think it's a good thing for us with weaker tendons/joints than pro footballers.