Rock D'Fort 2006


New member
Welcome to Rock D'Fort 2006 - the event not to be missed this year!

50 Bands, 3 Nights, 1 Fort to bring Down!!!

From the 16th to the 18th of June, Singapore will rock to the sounds of Independent Bands from China, Korea, the Philippines, and some of our very best. Rock D’ Fort 2006, as the curtain closer for the POPAgenda (Singapore Arts Festival), will be held at Fort Canning

Date : 16th to 18th June 2006
Venue : Fort Canning Park
Tickets : Standard (Daily Ticket) S$10
3 Day Pass S$20 (16 - 18 June 2006)
available at all SISTIC outlets
(service charge applies)

Concert Schedule
Festival Stage Daily 6pm to 8pm
Outreach Stage Daily 3pm to 8pm
Public Forum 17th June, Saturday
1pm to 4pm

Who should attend? Musicians, Singers & Song Writers, Music Publishers

Digital Realm of Music
(Keyboards) 16th June Friday
4pm to 6pm
Digital Realm of Music
(Guitars & Amplifications) 17th June Saturday
4pm to 6pm
Drums & Percussion 18th June Sunday
2pm to 4pm
Digital Realm of Music
(Home Recording) 18th June Sunday
4pm to 6pm

Who should attend? All the Curious & Serious
Saying hello to the bands that will be performing at Rock D' Fort concert! Let's make it happening!
ha ha...first time trying out with spaces. Don't know how to get it done lah. But it is a BIG thing we are working with MSN to promote Singapore music, so please link us up. There will be a banner for Rock D'Fort created by MSN for the event...reaching out to 46 million visitors worldwide.
HeartRockSingapore said:
I am expecting a crowd already...

A million thank yous to you all..
i posted the news on some chinese forums.and my magazine promised to post the news on next issue of our mag.
i need to write a long review then.

takez notez thatz THE MARILYNS willz bez playingz at 6.00pm on the 18thz...

**from 9 songz to be cutz to 7 songz...** shortz andz powerfulz....

clapz forz usz okayz.....


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