Recommend me A Place for Guitar Lessons!


New member
So i knw there were a few threads previously similar to this one but they either died or wasnt quite as specific. Bought my elec and have been playing and self-learning (or at most attempted) for almost exactly a yr already. However since i've juz finished my Os (yes...yet another one) i would like to acclerate my learning pace and probably the best way is to go for lessons

So basically...

Before the holidays end and the mad rush starts all over again i would like to get the most of this 2 months of lessons as im really nt sure abt time nxt yr.So i guess individual would be more suitable than grp lessons? Also,i would like to learn more playing stlyes including bt nt limited to hard rock,metal,blues,jazz etc etc... So recommend me somewhere to learn whether private or in a music sch n which is more appropriate! specific people/schs and prices would be helpful too if known...TKS!!!

Woah, totally same situation sia, haha. Except i got my guitars foc -.- Recommend me any good places too leh, haha. We can even go together or smth..

Side note: u going JC right?
LOL got my electric back last december.. almost a year too! got kinda busy and i realise is damn difficult to try and learn yourself cause you need alot of motivation and interest in it otherwise will just die down