Recommend Amp <150

Check out the buy/sell amplifiers section, a lot of choices for you to choose from...

You might wanna try the Line 6 Spider III 15-watt.
I would have chosen either line 6 spider III, Roland cube 15x or Vox Da5 but sadly all sold. If anyone selling please pm me alright? Any more recommendations?
I would have chosen either line 6 spider III, Roland cube 15x or Vox Da5 but sadly all sold. If anyone selling please pm me alright? Any more recommendations?

hmm i have line 6 spider amp...well if u gimme a gud price i might sell it, coz frankly, i wanan try bass
I would recommend the Spider III, which has various crunch tones & modulations for him to explore as a beginner, whom i think he is. When hes more knowlegeable later on, he can then pursue on more; be it effects, amps or rackmounts.
i recommend the 10 watt Kustom amp over at beez. It fits your budget perfectly

It maybe small but it packs a real punch. For an amp that size the bass response is good. Very well defined. Youn cant expect much from a 6.5" speaker but i think this amp wil surprise you.

Its loud and has 2 channels. Distortion and Clean. (most amps have them nyw)

the major plus point is the fact that it gives u the option to choose between reverb or delay effect in it. Really nice in built delay sounds.

Kustom - DART 10FX
Check it out
Whatever it is, it is best to go down to shops & try all the amps we recommend. Then you can have a feel of the tones that you like.
and, give the marshall MG series a miss. The 15watter is in your budget range but the sound, leaves much to be desired.
Increase your budget and hunt for an Ibanez Toneblaster X 15R. Even better if you can something with a bigger speaker (note that I am well aware that your still starting out), like the 30R instead of the 15R.

You can also hunt for the original Toneblaster (as in, before Toneblaster X), but if you want to use the onboard distortion, I really don't recommend it.

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