Quick D.I question. help thx


New member
Hey guys.

just a quick question, i've got a gig soon and the place uses a PA system. will it be possible if i use my sadowsky preamp as a DI and hook up it up to the PA?

bass to preamp to console? is that the correct chain sequence? also. bass to preamp is the 1/4 cable. will i need a XLR cable to connect the preamp to the PA?

yes u can...

u shouldn't have to worry about the xlr cable from ur DI to the console, the PA guy should have 1 that you can use =] but its always good to have one around just in case :D
the sadowsky pre-amp DI will work well with the PA. if u worry abt cable bring yer own but the FOH should have all his gear lah
okay thanks guys.

went to wiki XLR connectors and a few different types came up. how do i noe which is the correct one i will need? there are so many XLR3 XLR4, XLR5 and XLR6.
i think any standard XLR should work, the soundguys should have them. i don't think you should have to worry about that.
any decent soundman will have lots of XLR cables. Don't worry about them. Just worry about your own instrument cables.
Hey guys.

just a quick question, i've got a gig soon and the place uses a PA system. will it be possible if i use my sadowsky preamp as a DI and hook up it up to the PA?

bass to preamp to console? is that the correct chain sequence? also. bass to preamp is the 1/4 cable. will i need a XLR cable to connect the preamp to the PA?


Its true that you don't need to worry. But of course its good to know your stuff so you can set yourself up and sit there with a smug look on your face!

What everyone means by a "standard" XLR is the 3 pin XLR cable, or XLR3 or whatever you call it.
A D.I into the mixer would need a female to male standard 3 pin XLR, which the sound guy should have.

As long as your sadowsky preamp is the more recent version with the DI function ( means that it has the 3 pin thingy output u see on ur preamp), you can run it into the mixer with no problems.

If you find yourself needing a strange cable (e.g. staring a 372873218 pin hole on your DI), then your sadowsky preamp was probably made in china by underfed children at a cost price of 2 cents. In which case any decent sound guy would promptly proceed to laugh at you.
Its true that you don't need to worry. But of course its good to know your stuff so you can set yourself up and sit there with a smug look on your face!

What everyone means by a "standard" XLR is the 3 pin XLR cable, or XLR3 or whatever you call it.
A D.I into the mixer would need a female to male standard 3 pin XLR, which the sound guy should have.

As long as your sadowsky preamp is the more recent version with the DI function ( means that it has the 3 pin thingy output u see on ur preamp), you can run it into the mixer with no problems.

If you find yourself needing a strange cable (e.g. staring a 372873218 pin hole on your DI), then your sadowsky preamp was probably made in china by underfed children at a cost price of 2 cents. In which case any decent sound guy would promptly proceed to laugh at you.

just checked yet mine has 3 pins. so i would need a female end for my side. how about the console's side? is his side the same as mine, 3 pins out? or 3 holes? (no pun intended)
just checked yet mine has 3 pins. so i would need a female end for my side. how about the console's side? is his side the same as mine, 3 pins out? or 3 holes? (no pun intended)

'Standard' XLR cables have male on one side and female on the other side.