Questions regarding the Line 6 Toneport UX 1


New member
Recently just bought a UX1 and i tried to connect it to my laptop to play through my laptop using the POD farm software, however as you know every laptop got 3 points to plug the 3.5mm audio jack in, one is for recording, one is for headphone output, the other is for something else, not sure what it is..

from my ux1's "Analog OUT" plug, i connected the cable to all the 3 points on my laptop but i couldnt hear any sound when playing my guitar. just wondering what is wrong, i had installed the drivers and everything already. tried googling but got no cases similar to mine :eek:

Playing through headphones or external speakers works perfectly, just can't get it to work with my laptop's speakers..

Sorry for asking such a question here.. and sorry if my post isn't that clear
I don't have a Toneport but I can see what you're doing wrong. What you want to do is two different things.

Firstly, you want to use the Toneport with the POD Farm. You cannot use your 3.5mm cable to do so. You are supposed to connect your laptop and your audio interface to each other using a USB cable, not the 3.5mm jack, in order to use the POD Farm software and Toneport together.

Secondly, hearing the output on the Toneport into your laptop's speakers. Unless you have some sort of active monitoring software or whatever (i'm not too sure how to enable it myself, you are unable to hear what is being heard by your laptop's mike input.

Also, if you are unsure what the third jack is for, please read your laptop's manual.
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Once you attach the UX1 to your computer, it becomes the soundcard. There will note be anymore sound coming out from your computer's soundcard (that 3 points).