[query] acoustic/classical guitars vs. electric guitars


New member
Hello, i need to decide between electric guitar or normal(acoustic/classcal) guitars.

So what is your opinions?

1) Which is better?

2) most importantly, which is easier to play? because i understand that it is very hard to press the strings of acoustic guitars using the fingers. Is it the same for electric guitars?

Are you a beginner? Perhaps you could list out some of your influences or perhaps budget constraints and personal preferences.
yea im a starter/beginner.

Which one do you recomend? electric or acoustic guitar?

Price is not a problem as long below 200.
1) For me, electric guitars would sound better.

2) Electrics and acoustics are easy to play. Classical have huge necks, so I don't really like them...but you don't have to press hard on the strings for any of the 3 guitars.

If purely from a standpoint whereby you would want to get into the habit and passion playing guitar, I'd suggest the acoustic first.

Why? Because an acoustic has certain limitations that will help you to develop into a player of a certain level. Once you feel that you have crossed the threshold of the boundaries of acoustic music, then you could enter the world of electric instruments.

Remember, before electricity, people had to make do somehow :wink:

I would not advice starting out on electric if one's reason is that they do not feel comfortable on an acoustic. The challenge is to find one's voice on the acoustic before moving on and exploring what other possibilities are available on the electric instrument.

Just my point of view.
lol that price is a problem itself.

Acoustic you can try Blast at G77
E guitar mayber the Timbre guitar from Standard Value
Classical i'm not too sure.
Well, i would say thier both as equally good,
i think it really depends on what your interested to play, like if your genre is more towards the electric era, or if it's more acoustic.

yeah. classical guitars have larger fretboards, definitely the electric is the easiest to get around, but that my opinion only :)
agree with crawldaddy on that point. btw, are you william?

anyhow, acoustic not only can help u find the path u wanna take, it's a better start to train your fingers. i start with electric first but playing on an acoustic seems quite whorey to me.
moving to electric guitar will make you poor. you'll soon get bored of your 'clean' guitar sound and you'll wanna get effects, so you get yourself a cheapo multifx thru the SOFT forums. but after going to ebenex, and after seeing those colourful metal boxes on their racks, and hearing pros jamming at g77, you realise that your cheapo multifx is shit and you wanna get your hands on 'the real deal'. so you sell your multifx and get a ds-1...

and we all know how the story continues yea? :wink:

As sleepykitty has mentioned, the path down the electric instrument is pretty much never-ending. Hence my suggestion to start off on the acoustic.

Through the process of training your fingers, rhythm and timing, it is also advisable to listen to more music so that once you have the right set of skills, you can kick start the electric thing, with a pre-determined direction in mind.

My personal journey started on the acoustic.. primary influences were the beatles, eagles and neil young. Until this day I have not given up on those inflences on the acoustic guitar. However, I have expanded my repertoire on the electric to Led Zeppeli, AC/DC, rolling stones etc because those bands rock my socks.

So what direction do you intend to go? That is the question.
More question bout what kind of music yu want to play right? Obviously if u wan to play classical music, u dun ppick up electric, u wanna play rock, u dun pick up classical. boing ur head!
for your first question, its like comparing an apple with an orange, they're both fruits but arent the same at all. every softie'll have their own opinions. it really depends on what youre looking for in a guitar.

as for question two, electrics are easier to play definitely. being an acoustic player before an electric one, i'd say starting an acoustic is hard and painful stuff, but when you get the hang of it, electrics are really a breeze, can practice hours on end without much pain :)