Protool 9 without hardware!

Well, I uses ProTools since V6, but before I touched PT, I used many other DAWs like stuffs from Steinberg, Sonar, etc., and the moment I touched PT, I knew this is the one, I never wanna change, unless no choice. With ProTools 9 so affordable, and able to work without hardward or with third party hardware, what are you waiting for, make a switch and welcome to ProTools family man!

I totally agree with sj2six, it's all about what is being used most widely. In recording studios (any famous one in the States/Taiwan/Singapore) don't talk about those 'home-studios' or those 'just-started-up/budgeted' ones, they are mostly using Pro Tools. So all the talk about Logic being used for this and that... is just.. well... talk. Because the fact is, after going through composition on Logic, they are mixed & mastered in Pro Tools by sound engineers. I know this because it's a fact. :D
alvbobo : hahah.. some of taiwanese most popular music are actually done in singapore and I know cos it's done by my friend and he's using cubase..

but alright to stick to the topic this is a protools 9 thread i'm not going to say much from here.
Lol.. You're actually right. I know this guy who does production for some Taiwan/HongKong/local artists in singapore studios.. I'm quite proud of them!! :D This is something a lot of people don't know.

Your friend could be using Pro Tools also. Should check with him. Cheers! =)
Oh by the way, I'm not really a Pro Tools fan.. I hated the fact that I needed to buy all their Digidesign hardware, and I just upgraded to 003 Rack+, then now they say the new PT9 don't need hardware.. so I'm actually quite pissed. :(
Actually, singapore studio was a hub for doing recording in the 90s for chinese market. As the cost raising up, it is harder for local studio to keep up. Nowaday, the producer or some veteran went to china to do recording. I think China a bit more open to many technology outside. I know one producer using Logic to make album, Protools just exchange project.

When you talk about 5 year ago or much early time, protools is the only one standing up. There are not much option to look at, at the time Protools editing function are the most advance at that time. Nowadays, many DAW can do what protools does. One thing I don't like about Protools is there is no offline bouncing, but that becos I touching version 7 or earlier.

I think you've raised a good point. But I heard some Taiwan artists are still producing their albums locally. Apparently our sound engineers are ranked quite high in terms of skill, globally.

As for offline bouncing, the question was raised in the Pro Tools 9 seminar. They still don't have offline bouncing in the new version. :(
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alvbobo : I wasn't even trying to debate anything. as much as you're trying to share with everyone how great Pro Tools is (which I too agree my friends who're on protools put out really great stuff then again they're using topnotch industry gear) if you can't take the fact people have their personal beliefs and want to open an old all time favourite can of worms by saying stuff like "So all the talk about Logic being used for this and that... is just.. well... talk." and telling me to ask what my friends are using (I can tell you the answer now : he has a power mac as well as PC, using both cubase and logic.) , end of the day you become your own enemy by not keeping your mind open to outside opinions. which explains alot on why you're trying to run your own subtopic protools threads.

btw I can see your previous entry before you edited. take it easy man, if you feel i'm trying to debate with you, it's nothing personal as you're just one of the many audio-school-students/theory-siao audio guys who's more qwerty black&white than sound I've met over the last decade. we're just trying to keep an open mind and empower our "selective-learning experience" skills here.

good luck and enjoy your audio engineering and music journey
Roger that bro. Advice taken. I wasn't trying to debate or anything like that too.

If you look at my Pro Tools thread, I was sincerely asking for the Pro Tools community to voice out any issues they have, as did I. It's not a shrine to glorify PT. And yes, I was taken aback when you suddenly got all worked up about the whole Logic and open-mindedness thing. (You should really take a step back and ask yourself if you are the one who's actually being uptight about which software should be 'the industry standard') In all honesty, I think all the softwares are great as long as they serve their purpose (bedroom recording, records publication).

I do however, want to improve in my mixing skills. So if you can help, by all means do. If you don't wish to, I have no qualms either as long as you don't go round stepping on everyone's feet. And yes, out of modesty, I decided to edit my reply to your previous entry.
Alvbobo : lol, it's alright whatever yeah, if you'd like to be the good guy and that clears up your insecurities, I don't need/want to say anything unrelated further. I thank you for being so oversensitive sparing a considerate thought for my feelings hahaha