Problem: snare vibrates when tom is hit


New member
Hi guys!

When I play the tom nearer to my snare and the bass drum, my snare somehow gets 'played' as well.

What can I do about it?

Thanks! :)
Hey i would love to help you. But is it possible you could explain it a little more specific? Haha sorry. But i think maybe vibrations? Haha, just guessing. Someone correct me if i'm wrong...
May be vibrations... Try adjusting your first tom so that it wont touch the bass drum. just leave it hanging in the air. i only experience what your experiencing on electronic set which is due to some screwed mechanism. so yea. make sure ur hardwares aint touching each other. otherwise vibrations may cause ur "snare" to vibrate i guess.
From what I know, the pitch of your tom is probably pretty close to the pitch of your snare drum. That's why your snare rattles a bit when you play on your tom. You may want to try different tuning of your snare or tom?
Woo, thanks for the tips guys! :D

I shall try everything tomorrow as it is really late now. Haha.

@7earsDoFall: Yes, rattle. That's the word which was stuck behind my brain. Haha.

If you are referring to the sypathetic snare buzz that happens, you should try tuning your snare or high-tom to a different note. I had a thread here that may help:

That said, there is no way sometimes you can eliminate sypathetic snare buzz. You can reduce it however to a very small amount.

EVANS\Bob Gatzen has 2 great videos that teaches you how

I find the tip - "less snare, more tone" the best. Less snare means less buzz :)

Also, Bob shows you how to tune your drums to a note here:

Hope this helps.
Detuning the tension rods that sit on either side of the snare wire on the resonant side of your snare drum can sometimes fix this.
You only need to go down about half a turn
It helps give the bottom head a little more contact over the snare beds where the wires sit
hope this helps
Man!! I am now getting a hack of a snare buzz now when i hit my 10" toms... Still experimenting... Tried tuning both snare and and my 10" tom... haven't arrived to a satisfying results yet... gotta keep trying i guess!
Woo, I folded a piece of tissue paper and put it in between the resonant skin and the snare wire. :D

It worked!
But I don't know if my snare sounds nice anot. LOL.
Woo, I folded a piece of tissue paper and put it in between the resonant skin and the snare wire. :D

It worked!
But I don't know if my snare sounds nice anot. LOL.

Er no.
It WILL get rid of the buzzing but your snare will not sound anything close to what a snare should be sounded like. :D

Like all the others suggest, tune down your tom. It'll work. Trust me. :)
I don't know lah but I don't like how the snare sounds with tissue stuck in between the reso and wires. lol.

Need to be patient when tuning...

Cos recently, I tuned half-a-tune up on my high tom and my snare starts to buzz. So I undo the tune and it's fine now. :D

It is not so much tuning up or down the drums but it should be of different notes. I hope you have seen my posts here: and here: and stick with the guidelines.

If you tune it properly, you can eliminate or minimize snare buzz and your kit will sound great !

EVANS\Bob Gatzen has 2 great videos that teaches you how

What you are doing are stop-gap measures. There will be compromises. I guess its ok if it sounds great to your ears. Tuning your drums as a whole kit will complement the setup.
Girlpants: True true. Haha.
After hearing Bob Gatzen singing about the A note to tune on a snare drum, it keeps singing in my mind. LOL.

Softwaremaker: Woo, there are tuners made from drum tuning?
Or I can use the normal guitar tuner? :-D

EDIT: Is it the DrumDial you're talking about?
And sorry for the million-questions-in-a-short-post kinda thing. :l
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Softwaremaker: Woo, there are tuners made from drum tuning?
Or I can use the normal guitar tuner? :-D

You can use a normal chromatic tuner. Although, if your drums are tuned low, it may not pick it up.

Alternatively, this is better training is to pick up a metronome (same as Bob's) that throws out notes. Hum to it (just like Bob) and then tune your drums to it. More tedious, yes - but in no time, you will be a walking tuner :)