pot replacement/repair


New member
the vol. pot on my bass is faulty and i wanna replace/repair it. I know that Guitar Connection at Penin sells the pots. But im not sure if they repair them.

Which would be more cost efficient? Repair or replace? and how much will it aprox. cost?

Thanks :D
i'm not really sure if people care to repair pots. just go buy new ones, they don't cost much. although the installation fees might come up to a bit...

P.S. make sure you buy the right ones, liner or taper, 250K/500K etc.
come to think of it...repairing pots dont seem feasible. XD sorry
hahaha mmm i've seen threads about the different types of pots.
if i'm not wrong, the 250k ones are bass-ier and the 500k pots give a more treble tone?? correct me if i'm wrong :D i'm no expert in this.

haha whats the liner and taper btw?? :confused:
there's no liner or taper. there's only audio taper and linear taper. audio taper is for tone pot. linear taper is for volume pot.
wait...van_halen said that "audio taper is for tone pot. linear taper is for volume pot." while Shinobi said that "audio = volume linear = tone".

Er you guys are contradicting each other :???:
volume = log
tone = linear

but that is just by convention lah. alot of times all the pots are log. i myself customised the wiring on my bass and had the pots changed from log to linear. i just didnt find log volume pots useful for me in the way guitarists use them. some TRIVIA about myself for u :mrgreen:

and i didn't make a mistake, my post came after
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volume = log
tone = linear

but that is just by convention lah. alot of times all the pots are log. i myself customised the wiring on my bass and had the pots changed from log to linear. i just didnt find log volume pots useful for me in the way guitarists use them. some TRIVIA about myself for u :mrgreen:

and i didn't make a mistake, my post came after

thanks for the website and help guys :D apprieciate it alot :D