
New member
Posting Guidelines

I shamelessly stole this off the CO boards on the Wizards forum website here. So - much acknowledgements to PhoenixInferno & LordOfProcrastination. It looks useful, and hopefully this can help solve the Gear - Guitar forum here a bit.

1) Be specific.
2) Try.
3) Thank others for advice.

Whenever you want ask for help, remember these three things:
share with us, put in an effort, and follow through.

1) Share with Us
In order to help you to answer your question, we have to know what's involved. Here are some things to consider:

* What equipment are you using? Guitar? Amp? Pedals?
* What musical influences are you interested in?
* What setting are you talking about? Home? Gig? Recording?
* Are there any special requirements you want?
* What specifically you are looking for help with?

This list is far from comprehensive, so the more specific details you can provide, the better.

2) Put in an Effort
Be polite, use good grammar and punctuation. Check if what you want is already out there on the Guitar Forum - there's a very good chance it was answered a short while ago. 3 pages is about 3 days worth of posts. Use these valuable resources to answer your questions before starting a new thread:

* Guitar Gear Sticky
* Where to get these products from these Brands?
* ALL things regarding GUITAR, PICKUP, STRINGS
* Gear Review Section
* Search Function

If you can't find what you're looking for after you've been through these great references, go ahead and post a new thread.

Keep in mind that the best form of help is self-help. If you need a price quote - ask the relevant authorities. Call them up - don't be shy!

Try out as much as possible on solving your question by yourself - you might be surprised at what you do know, and you will receive more focused advice for your question. (So long as you keep away from 120/240V electronics.)

If you do the work, you'll reap the rewards!

3) Follow Through
Don't bump the thread every 20-60 minutes.

Instead, check in and comment on people's suggestions, ask for clarification about things you don't understand, and generally guide the discussion towards what you want. You're much more likely to get what you want here.

Don't be discouraged if your post doesn't get any hits immediately - others may be busy at work or school.

Don't forget to thank the people who help out with suggestions, links, and advice. They're kind-hearted volunteers and fellow guitarists, and they don't get paid for answering your questions.
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Sample Posts

There is nothing more we like to do here than help people, but if you ask for help one way, you could get no useful advice. Ask another way, and you could get more information than you can digest! The following two "posts" are examples of posts we might see here at the Guitar Forum.

best guitar
Originally Posted by The Bad Example
hey yall i need ideas for a new guitar can someone recommed me sth cheap and good
Also anyone know the best dist pedle that sounds like slash or malmsteen

Recommend a beginner guitar for under $400?
Originally Posted by The Good Example
Hi Guys,

I've just started picking up guitar playing for a few months, and I currently own a Ibanez Acoustic Guitar. I am thinking of switching to electric guitar since my friends are interested in forming a jam band for our Guitar Club in JC.

I like playing punk and pop songs, and my influences include John Mayer and Blink 182.

I've looked through the guitar review section, but none of the guitars appeal to me that much, or are too expensive for my budget. The Ibanez RG321 looks good, but at $400, it seems a bit expensive. Do I need an amplifier to go along with the guitar?

Any other advice for a new beginner would also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for all your help. Cheers!

The difference is clear. The bad example is vague, demanding, difficult to understand, and shows so little effort it's rude.

The good example shares meaningful information about the character, the game, and what is wanted, puts in an effort to be clear and show that the poster has already looked into the essential resources, and even starts to follow through by thanking people in advance.
seen. good effort thor though i dont think any of them can really be bothered la. the amount of new pple that are starting out is overwhelming and its simply amazing to see how dependent they are even with the internet at this day and age. i guess the more u have the less u use it eh?
Doesn't matter. I'm not interested in helping people who don't help themselves anyway. Getting a "seen" is a first step to knowing that there are people who can and want to help themselves. Next time we'll know that people who posted here are genuine and we can differentiate what posts to read and what posts to skip.
Thanks. I'm looking to cut the length of this Guide progressively though to the bare minimum so others don't have to read through that much.
Bump to anyone who hasn't seen it. If you read it and think this thread is useful, give this thread a bump. This will feedback to other users of the importance of this thread. Thanks!