Positions to fill


New member
Positions to fill(Bassist, VOX)

Hey guys,

We need members to fill certain positions...so here goes

A brief history..

Basically, me and my drummer used to be in a band that has since disbanded(2 years ago) and we wanna form something to continue where we left off..I used to do all the vocals and rhythm guitars but i wanna concentrate more on the guitars now with a bit of back up singing...i already have a band where i sing so at the moment my hands very itchy...we have a tone of originals to do and also the occasional covers..

Style of music would be somewhere along the lines of bands like GnR, Black Sabbath, Nirvana, Foo Fighters,RHCP..and possibly would like to explore abit of Korn...

So yea..positions needed at the moment would be..


Guitarist(Lead or rhythm)

Vocalist(Altho this would be later on once we get the music side down first)

Male of female doesn't matter...

BTW..i'm 26 and the drummer is 24...

u can hear some of the originals that i recorded myself at www.myspace.com/gerard_r_w

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Hey im a guitarist interested to try my hands in a band. Dont really have much experience in a band. But i believe we share some similar genres of music we listen to.

Btw im 19, Chinese male.

If u dont mind maybe u can drop me pm or email at samuellim3@hotmail.com
