[POLL] What is your preffered pickstroke?

Which is your favourite stroke?

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As the title says, which your preffered guitar pickstroke people?

I'm sure everyone has a preference. Vote away!

Maybe there's a correlation to which is your picking hand and which is your preferred stroke.

I'll start:

Preferred stroke: Down
Picking hand: Right
Have to use both, man! Varying the picking angle and style allows so many variations in tone and attack intensity.
You got to have a favorite stroke? You cant play something all on your favorite stroke. Unless its good punk and roll then thats cool, but it will be eeew.

I heard a dude play Smoke on The Water entirely on downstrokes. It was cool that he got the solo somewhat down, but the sound was ewww.
downstroke for thrash metal type rhythm up to medium-ok ok fast tempo.too fast,i will switch to alt picking :)