Please help to identify this song!

i cant remember his name, but only the surname, huang something something

He is a taiwanese indie aartist doing folkish kinda songs, the album which contain that song, won an award of some sort at this year taiwanese golden melody music award

if you recorded the song from zhong tian channel during the trailer for a show on showing various places in china, check out the beginning/end of the trailer, i remember theres some wording which show the record label for which they took the song.

paiseh, thats all i know and i know wont be much help also
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ok dude, thank me now

i found the answer you wanna, after some poking round the net. Singer is huang jian wei, the song is "over the way"


the album most prolly hard to find locally. Songs from the album was featured on radio 100.3 last month when i over heard bit of it late night.

ok, thats really all i know liao.