Planet Waves Auto Trim Tuning Machines


New member
yay.... my first review... oh if you don't like to read cutesy reviews scroll right down.

Where, how much and why?
Got them at Davis for SGD65, 3 per side as a replacement for the super CRAP Kluson kind tuners on my old Ibanez Talman. The original tuners couldn't stay in tune each time I dip the trem bar. Looked around for a reasonable priced locking tuners and found this. Gsonique bro also recommended it to me. There was some discussion on this on the forum before too. So why not?

What are these? What are locking tuners?
They clamp your strings tight at your tuners making them stay in place and not shift around when you use your trem bar. It is an alternative to people who prefers to use regular tremolo rather than the double locking floyd rose.

Can a non tremolo guitar use it?
Why not? If you do a lot of string bending and play hard, it'll help in tuning stability.

Is it easy to install? Can I do it myself?
If your guitar comes with sealed tuners like those from Gotoh, Schaller etc, it may just be a drop in fit.
If your guitar uses those ULTRA crappy vintage Kluson kind of tuners like those from old strats, teles, sg, lespaul etc... you'll need to enlarge the hole on the headstock.

Anything else I need to clear? OK? All good?

Should I start from where I park my bike at the MSCP and head straight to the sex shop at Peninsula, got my weekly supplies and then cross the road to get an old chang kee curry puff that taste like crap now but I'm still eating them and then being not satisfied pop down to Komala's downstairs for a Dosai set and ended up in the toilet a while later....

Better not.

The tuners comes in a nice little box. Sealed and shrinkwrap. I love tearing up boxes. Do you?

Tuners are arranged nicely 3 in a row, bunch of screws and bunch of washers and nuts. Nice little card to show you how to use the tuners. Don't throw it away. Good to read the f#$kin manual. You know when people say RTFM? Yes... that is what they mean. RTFM before you come online and ask why your latest effects pedal no sound. Ok... I digress... but why not, its a pain isn't it to answer the same damn question for the past 10 years?

Removed all the tuners from my Talman and tried to fit in the Planet Waves. Oh no... the original holes too small. Damn.

Took out my trusty Hitachi hand drill that I've been using to drill my pedals, aerate my beer prior to fermentation, do that Van Halen/Paul Gilbert wheee wheee wheee stunt when I'm in the mood... ok you get what I mean... its good to own a drill. Oh what did I do with the drill... ok ok... enlarge the holes on the headstock. Not a pretty sight with my slightly blunt drill bits but it worked fine.

Put in the new tuners. And my my.... The screw position on the new tuners matches exactly where the old Kluson ones. Planet waves uses one screw and the Kluson's two. So there was a screw hole expose but who cares. The original screw hole was too big. So I inserted in some little bits of cable into it to fill it up. Normally I'd use some toothpicks and super glue but I was lazy. Then I screwed on at the back and tighten the nuts at the front. Hey you.... stop thinking dirty!

Actual usage
String up the guitar as usual with my favouritest set of DRs titefit 10's. Best strings that lasts a nong nong time. Bright as well. Love it.

To string up, you'll have to insert the strings thro the hole with a stainless steel notch indicator. Pull the string taut and then lock with the thumb wheel at the bottom of the tuner. Locked and taut!

As you tune up the tension, the other end of the strings will automatically get sheared off. INGENIUS! NED STEINBERGER FOR PRESIDENT! It works REALLY well. For the first time, I actually looked forward to change strings.

Wound strings takes a little bit more effort to shear the strings off but just a little bit more.

Tune up and wank on the whammy quite a bit wishing I had my pink spandex pants on. Stayed in tune. Is good.

Final word
The tuners is not as smooth as other quality tuners as there is a bit more resistance to turning. Either it may still be new or maybe thats just what it is. Didn't check if there's a screw at the tuning knob. Sometimes by just loosening that screw a bit there'll be less friction.

The auto cutting as mentioned is GENIUS. Even if you don't need a set of locking tuners, you'll need the auto cutter. GENIUS.

Now the question is how long will the tuner last? Esp with a cutting device, over time it'll become blunt. How long with that shearing edges stay sharp?
I can imagine if it is not sharp anymore and there are leftover strings coming out from the other side, your tuners may jam.


For me, I'd change strings like half year once. I don't play much and I've got too many guitars to alternate around. I clean my strings with fast fret after use. So it wouldn't make a difference to me.

But if the shearing edges are properly case hardened, I'm pretty sure it'll last a long time.

And we can look at it this way, if it were to last say 3 years. SGD65 for 3 years of auto string cutting, tuning stability with a peace of mind and super fast string changing.... I'd pay this money.

Overally two thumbs up for the price and design.
hey edder, care to post some pics on it ? i only manage to find the tuner all at the same angle ... so, what's the black 'nut' ? at the bottom of it ? can fit 6 in a roll ? (cos u said 3 per side, i presume yours something like a les paul headstoke)

thanks in advance bro. :D
the main concern with this hardware is the issue of fragility (this alone will dichotomize users here, manifesting bad blood & all, better not tread this path...)- perhaps brother edder would assess this situation accordingly?
SpaTanS said:
hey edder, care to post some pics on it ? i only manage to find the tuner all at the same angle ... so, what's the black 'nut' ? at the bottom of it ? can fit 6 in a roll ? (cos u said 3 per side, i presume yours something like a les paul headstoke)

thanks in advance bro. :D

uhm... too lazy to bring out my digicam but yes... they have the 3 a side like the lespaul/sg varieties.

I assume the black nut you've mentioned is the locking nut. Its located at the back of the tuner.... aka behind the headstock.

As you tighten it, there's a pin that goes up inside the tuner to lock the string in place.

search on google planet waves and you'll see some pictures. even better, pop by davis and ask the nice people over there for a pack of planet waves locking tuners.
subversion said:
the main concern with this hardware is the issue of fragility (this alone will dichotomize users here, manifesting bad blood & all, better not tread this path...)- perhaps brother edder would assess this situation accordingly?

yeah... i know what you mean.

which was one of the reasons why i bother to write up a review of this lowly set of cheap locking AND auto string trimming tuners.

I personally find it OK. VERY OK.

but as mentioned on my reviews, I don't know how long those string shearing edges will last. probably outlive me but who knows.

also i know the limits of how much the thumbscrew should be turned to lock a string, so that may not be an issue to me.

but for those who are new to locking tuners, they may overtighten the thumbscrews and break off the joint.

just to alleviate your concerns, the tuners are all metal except for any nylon washers if present.
edder said:
I personally find it OK. VERY OK.

but for those who are new to locking tuners, they may overtighten the thumbscrews and break off the joint.

yes, these tuners aren't lousy at all, no issues there. PW would do better to improve them in terms of rigidity, many people would dismiss this fine product with regards to its fragility, otherwise, it's an ace in terms of practicality/ affordability.
i had a set of these Plant Waves auto cutter tuners once.

they lasted about half a year, and 2 of the tuners became faulty - they would just cut off the string instead of locking it, every time. at first i thought my technique somehow became wrong, but no. the tuners were faulty. i wasted dunno how many strings sia. @#$@#$ super frustrating. :evil:

i junked the entire set and replaced them with Grover locking tuners. no problems so far after more than a year.
yup, those machine heads have reliability issues. The locking mechanism seems to wear out quicker than others. My vote goes for schaller and sperzel.
many people would dismiss this fine product with regards to its fragility

here we go again :roll:

Fenderben, i believe you kinda overtightened the lockin pin and busted the tuner ...this can happen to whatevr brand you stated "Coz i have seen it happen to a poor kid who cracked his piggy for those pricey action and busted them within weeks due to "super kanchiong" syndrome" and to make things worst ...he even lost one of the locking pins :roll:

I have been using them without any failure (i hope those fellas at planet waves are reading this and send me a Christmas surprise) and being the fact i am an aggressive player with high string usage. ... its doin its job well.
I know some you fellas are hoping mine gets busted ....ha ha ...knock harder :x

another added fun is the weight does give that much required head stock weight for added string sustain... YES it does ...that was my whole idea gettin the lockers in the first place .... it rocks my loveboat.

The cutter :smt023

in the event if i do break it (some people here will be goin ' yes i said so' na na na ) cheap cheap lah just get a new one ...maybe two and ask uncle davis for discount!!

for those who had bad a trip with these tuners...well :smt011 i understand ... poo happens :D

i give 8 1/2 points out of 10.

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