Pixel Apartment - Dancing on


New member
Hi there! I'm Jordan, one of the Noise Apprentices playing this sunday, 8th of March at the Esplanade Outdoor Stage, 7pm. I'll be playing as a 2 piece called Pixel Apartment.

Possibly out of boredom but now more so to give a sneak preview for our sound, is the video featuring the song Dancing On, below:
This video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9v5eKEyPF0

If you like you can check out our myspace for more music too!
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/pixelapartment



ps: Thanks James for the soft tv feature!
Hey Jordan

Cool stuff. Would you like to share a bit on how you recorded the songs.
Hey there,

About how i recorded this song:
I use a simple DAW (digital audio workstation, or simply just a computer and some gear). It kind of goes like this - behringer xenyx 802 into m-audio audiophile 2496, monitoring with krk rp5. I use the cheapest wharfadale mics for this recording ($50+ for 3 at citymusic) cos it was meant to be quick, worry free with no pop filters and stuff that I normally need with condensers.

The mic (vocals) goes into the mixer and processed with cubase sx 3 stock 'multiband compressor' for that punchier sound. tweak the bands abit to my liking.

The guitars go straight into the mixer, and get processed by native instruments guitar rig.

Lead guitar tone - skreamer (tubescreamer) > quad delay > plexi (marshall) > uk 60s tall cab. Played with neck pickup.

Rhythm guitar tone - quad delay > acbox(vox ac30) > 2X12 Brit 60s Cab
Played with bridge pickup

Bass - just multiband compressor again on the electric bass setting, no amp emulations or anything. tweaked bands also.

So basically i get ready a webcam and video capture software and hit start. the i go to cubase and hit record. So i'm recording video and audio simultaneously but they have to be sync'd up later since they start at different times. I repeat this 4 times for the different parts. Then I did an audio mix down to a wav file of the whole recording. After that i used the free video editing software jahshaka to sync up the raw video files to the audio track and of course the 'video conference' effect.

Guitars used: Gibson Les Paul Special Faded Double Cutaway (TV Yellow)
Epiphone Thunderbird IV Bass (Sunburst)

Hope that was helpful!
Really catchy tunes.Nice,one man band.
Your thunderbird bass looks real sexy in the myspace display photo.
thx for the comments! hopefully when i got time i'll do the same type of videos (video conference jamming) for the other songs. =)
that's some impressive stuff you have there man! love the video conferencing thing you have going on. very catchy song too :D