Pedalboard Cake


New member
Hello everyone!
One of my favourite people in the world's birthday (Mark John Hariman) just passed by and i thought it would be fun to get him a birthday cake that is the exact replica of his rig. The cake was sculpted by the very talented Veronica Of

You should check her cakes out. she's brilliant.
Thought i'll post the pictures of the cake up here so that everyone could geek out and make tone jokes about it.



have a blessed weekend everyone. :D
Can I reuse my joke from fb? :p

"So that's the secret to his sweet tone..."

This is really one of the most detailed ones I've seen, down to the icing prints and power cables
tsktsk I thought it was a real pedalboard on top of a cake at first..

very, very nice! I saw another thread on another forum where someone build a guitar cake and everyone was going crazy over it but this looks 10000x better!