Paint Chips Repair


New member
Hi, anybody knows where can repair paint chips well? Anyone has experience with guitar workshop for these type of comestic repairs? Just need to know so that I can send in my guitar with a peace of mind.
dont bother doing it lah... if single color still ok.. if ur multi or special colors its liek shit... i did my squier b4.. 50 bucks for like a half cm chip? im ok wif the money if it look ok.. but IT FUCCKING LOOK LIKE SHIT .. den sometimes later the chip drop off... den i take black maker go color :lol:

once its chipped. its chipped. :D
Thanks. Where did you get yours repaired? You did it at Guitar Workshop? Rightfully, it should be as smooth as new when done correctly. You will have to paint and coat with a thicker coat of lacquer on that area. Sand it down and polish to level and shine.

Mine's black so I hope there will be no problem. I have many little chips on the edge of the body. One chip, I will probably not bother but its a quite a number.
pay abt $200 get your guitar resprayed from top to toe...more worth it..u end up wif a brand new finish...just like when you've bought it...personally i'd choose to haf them finished satin style...less prone to scratches:D
Yes, but the problem is I want to maintain the finishing of the guitar. There are some graphics on the body. So only need to repair the black edge. Anybody has similiar experience on refinishing the chips?
how on earth did u get the chips in the first place. if i loved my guitar enough to actually refinish chips i wouldnt even let my guitar be chipped which is in my case. better to prevent than to cure yes? :wink:
I have a chip on my guitar too, happened when i was in my room trying to swing the guitar like malmsteen. it DROPPED :smt010
Yes, its always those accidental swings and knocks. Quite heart pain but cannot be helped. So anybody knows any shop that can do a good job?
sofyan said:
I have a chip on my guitar too, happened when i was in my room trying to swing the guitar like malmsteen. it DROPPED :smt010

haha i oso wan try leh his style.. cannot lol.... try lockin strap lah.. :lol:
rangers158 said:
Thanks. Where did you get yours repaired? You did it at Guitar Workshop? Rightfully, it should be as smooth as new when done correctly. You will have to paint and coat with a thicker coat of lacquer on that area. Sand it down and polish to level and shine.

Mine's black so I hope there will be no problem. I have many little chips on the edge of the body. One chip, I will probably not bother but its a quite a number.

dont want say the place la... not good for them. anyway... unless its a damn ex guitar like prs, fender or gibson.. no need go do la.... u do liao.. suey suey when u bring home the guitar from the workshop happy happy.. on the road bang again.. JUST LIKE HOW I BANGED MY SQUIER THE SECOND DAY I BOUGHT IT. I BANGED WITH MY BASSIST IN MY ROOM :evil:

i was :cry:

now now.. chip - my style :lol:
gordonzz said:
sofyan said:
I have a chip on my guitar too, happened when i was in my room trying to swing the guitar like malmsteen. it DROPPED :smt010

haha i oso wan try leh his style.. cannot lol.... try lockin strap lah.. :lol:

HAHAHA... u guys r really hilarious! :lol:
the malmsteen swing move is damn dangerous.. i only tried ONCE... with my old rg..
it swung around and stabbed my in my kidney. it was the last time ever.
ChanMin said:
the malmsteen swing move is damn dangerous.. i only tried ONCE... with my old rg..
it swung around and stabbed my in my kidney. it was the last time ever.

I tried it twice, the first time I was dumb enough try it using an EXPLORER. It was too heavy and it just hit my neck lol :lol:
Me too. Dimarzio Clip Locks for life!

Had an experience when my Les Paul slammed to the floor due to strap giving way. Well, a Les Paul is a Les Paul, still played well :)

By the way, scratches and dings are cool, badges of honours for guitars. Each fault tells a story :D