Online Ukulele & Guitar Course (Jazz, Fingerstyle, Strum, etc)

Hi all,

How are you guys been doing? :D

Today's the 1st day of "Circuit Break" aka "Semi Lockdown" in Singapore. In the positive side, it's time to grow your passion :D

Playing & learning ukulele or guitar would be good options you could choose too. And distance no longer be a problem. Watch what I mean by that :

I seldom sing, but you could hear me singing at the end of this video. I should get "A+" for my confidence.

And here's some sample of guitar class (no online meeting sample yet) :

This plague shall pass but you'll remain. Take care all.

Aloooohaaa :D

Happy Labour Day all.
I'm so excited for our fun strum & pluck online ukulele class starting this Saturday 2nd May 2020

You'll learn our local Singapore song,"Home" (Dick Lee) and Shanghai Tan, original chord progression & the "spized up" version.

It's already 60% slot filled up.
Register now to join our weekend fun class during this CCB extension.

Here's some simulation after we've arranged our house to get best way to conduct the class :

Here's the details of our up & coming Strum & Pluck Ukulele course :

Latest registration by 2nd May 12pm. Grab your seat now!!!

Zee you zoom this Zaturday ;)