Nightmare over Tokyo - a Japanese themed Halloween gig at *SCAPE (31 Oct 7pm)


New member
The season of everything dark and scary is here, and we want you to spend it with us! ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ.

Come down to *SCAPE [Outdoor Stage] in your most flashy or ghastly Halloween outfits and join us for a night of eerie Japanese covers by local bands under the twilight. (Square Bread, Sangriento, Comet Spuds, Final Haven, Life Had Mase)

Cosplayers - we want you to join us too!(o `▽´ )oΨ

We'll be having a "sweets exchange":
Come with lots of sweets (like a party pack of assorted chocolates) and exchange them with others at the event! This might be the chance you've been waiting for to get Senpai to notice you too ;)

Win other prizes like movie tickets and much more!
Facebook event:
