New sections in the forum for Music Around the World!


Staff member
Hi SOFTies

How can we improve when we keep our head in the sand? To expose ourselves to the music trends and happenings in the nearby countries, SOFT has setup a section to discuss/share information in these countries.

If you have any news or music to share from these countries, let's share!

Suggestion/feedback are most welcome.

Click here to see new section

Great idea! Maybe a World / Ethnic Music section.

But hopefully got contents which states Where & Who made the music / sounds. Maybe a little summary history of the music, plus a sound bite of about 10sec or so.

A question just came in my head. Is reggae considered world/ethnic music or pop music?
Expansion = More exposure = More productivity and entertainment value.

Very good move I must say. With all the scenes from other countries, it will be a good platform to take a realistic look at how one is performing when put side by side with "foreign talents".

DD :smt038
Actually, there are pros and cons to "specialisation" of forums. Being more general is sometimes good. "Over-specialisation" may sometimes lose people.

Now that the forum has increased by 8 more sections, making a total of 46 sections, it gets quite long and tiring to go through every section. My way of reading the forum:

1. Look through the homepage for new entries to see anything of interest.
2. Then I go through 5 sections where my interest lie - if they are no post in these 5 sections, I'll close the window. I don't look through all the 46 sections even if there are new posts there.

I see having specialised sections (like guitar, drums, bass, keyboards) are necessary to point people with interst in that area to the appropriate section. But the more general ones (like this new section on world music), IMO can be put into the Kopitiam section. I'll possibly never click in each country's section to read. That may mean I may miss posts that are interesting and contribute to the post. If they are in the Kopitiam section, the likelihood of me reading these posts is higher.

But having said that, I think I understand where you are trying to bring SOFT to - to make it more regional and capture forummers from different Asian countries in the region. Perhaps we can brainstorm more about this.

My 2 cents...
great feedback!

for me, i use the "View posts since last visit" most of the time.

having these new subsections helps when we want to find out more about music related stuff in these countries when we are planing a trip there. :wink:
Yeah, I guess that's James job, since he is the owner of soft. Try out new stuffs and close the unproductive ones.
Q: hmmm.. where should i go for my next holiday?

A: Ah... let's check out SOFT and see where got happening music!
After Cheez's post ... that brings us to another point. Instead of expanding regionally, what about genres? Like you've mentioned long before, there is no "local or international music" ... it's simply "music". Why not encourage and promote additional form/genre of music?

i must learn from EDB! hee..hee..

DoubleDecker, i am just dying for more genres! I just dont know how to reach out to them.
As for genres, I remember once that somebody was mentioning about the possibility of a concert band section. With the number of school bands out there, it is a very viable option. With that will come ads for musical instrument repairs and purchases etc. You'll pull a significant number of crowd if you can penetrate this group.

Let me start a new thread to try to see how many of these people are around.

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