Never lose your effects settings again!!

I saw another way on the talkbass forums that seems better than this- stick little stickers as markers on the pedal itself. You can lose your reference cards, but stickers are much harder to lose...
Good idea with the cards. When I step on my pedal sometimes my feet might kick the knobs causing it to turn unknowingly. With the card trick, the friction helps to prevent the knobs turning unknowingly. 10/10
Good idea, but it will be kind of difficult if you play through different amps all the time. A certain setting will probably sound different with different amps. I usually just write my settings down somewhere for reference.
Just use camera phone, take photo for the settings ......

Actually, I find that this is the best idea so far. Once you tweak your settings to your liking, snap a picture for reference. Fast and easy, and at virtually no cost at all. But must have a good camera phone of course!
am i the only one or what , i always remember the setting i like , its like the setting is somehow fix , unless i play other tone or wdv.