Need some help


New member
Hello everyone, i've been playing guitar for a few months now and i can play some easy songs. Mostly power chords. I am self taught by the way. The problem is, i don't feel like i've been improving and i feel that i'm stuck to just playing power chords. I tried learning chords and notes, and i know both the major and minor chords already. i also can play the minor pentatonic scale. But i just feel that i'm not improving. What should i do?

PS: I am also planning to get a teacher soon.
hi, maybe you can tell us more about what kind of songs you listen to and can play already?

a suggestion is for you to explore and expose yourself to other ways of playing the guitar. to stagnate in just a few months is too fast, either you are very talented or you have not exposed yourself enough.
Mostly easy songs like Greenday and Blink. I can also play sweet child o mine but not the 3rd solo lol. I don't mind exposing myself to other types of music. Would you recommmend me some?
i see. great start, maybe from there you can explore music played by other rock bands, to see what their styles are like. listening to the radio helps too. i'm a bassist, so i can only suggest songs with prominent bass parts haha. sorry about that.

btw good that you are getting a teacher :)
I dunno. I don't feel like i'm improving even after i can play songs. It seems like I'm stuck at learning songs only. Can some experienced guitarist help me?!
Getting a GOOD teacher is a good thing. You're bound to develop 'bad habits' if you're self taught!!!

I'm an average player & self taught ... been playing 'like forever'. Wished I could afford lessons back then.
by learning songs you get a glimpse of what the guitarist is doing in the particular song. if you don't feel that you are improving, is it because you feel that whatever new songs that you learn does not add to your technique/knowledge?

try doing conventional guitar chords, fingerpicking, hybrid picking, acoustic strumming, fill-ins, tapping, harmonics, hammer-ons, slides, trems, etc. the things one can do with a guitar are endless. :cool:
Be creative about your scales!

In your spare time just pick a scale, play some random stuff around scale and anyhow throw in techniques and stuff

OR you could pick a song and try to solo through the whole song.

But ultimately prac makes perfect. If you really wanna get better as in shred and play weird weird chord variations, then listen to song with those things in em. Like all the other guys said exposure exposure exposure