Need opinion on J&D Bass Series.


New member
I am thinking of buying J&D Bass Series JD-S4B.
Tried it @ Ranking Sports & Music.
Sounded ok.
However, I don't know anything about J&D basses.
Listed price is S$450.
Maybe I'll buy if I can get them to push down the price to S$400.
So far, i can't find a better bass at this price.

Does anybody know anything about J&D bass?
Is it worth it?
spikes said:
well, theres some pretty good reviews about the SX packages, search the forum...

erm correction : spikes : SX packages are for the LP and strat copy GUITAR packages , not for the bass

i tried the bass out on behalf of a fren. its terrible. not bang for buck. bad shoddy construction. decent tone though . near zero playability.if ya are really interested in getting something decently playable.

forget the SX bass package, it just dont make the grade, for slightly more you can get much better starter packages.
thanks for the feedback guys.

btw, what do you all mean by 'packages'?
is it the one that comes with amp, strap, tuner, pick and all....?

where can i try sx guitar?

actually, i just need a bass around S$400.