Need help in choosing pickups


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Need advice here.

I'm planning to buy new pickups for my guitar(dual humbucker setup).

I play hard rock and metal and i'm unsure whether to buy Duncan AHB-1 blackouts, the more common EMG 81/85 setup, or any others.

Any suggestions on other kickass metal suited pickups?

Please help!

are u really sure u wanna use active pickups?
not saying that they are bad , but there are alot of other pickups in the market which are passive and a pack a real punch of metal tone.
are u really sure u wanna use active pickups?
not saying that they are bad , but there are alot of other pickups in the market which are passive and a pack a real punch of metal tone.

Didn't say i was only after actives.

Can you suggest any good passive pickups?
Get the Kerry King EMGs(forgot the model) got built in preamp....sounds damn kickass to me

If I'm not wrong it should be the 85s, but KK signature
Ok after a bit of research i've decided to get the blackouts. Anybody know how much they are at davis or anywhere else?

Cheers for all the suggestions!
you might want to look at the pickups your influences use. if they all have something in common and you want to have a sound similar to that, it's probably the right choice.
you should look at what amp you're using.
my suggestion is, get active pickups if you're using a tube amp. if not, go high output passives.