need advice


New member
hi.. sorry for asking this same old question many have asked before.. i have no time to go through the repcious threads.. can i ask. how much is an average keyboard? one that is portable and can play many instruments? e.g saxophone? i'm helping a friend ask.. thanks so much for the help.. can also help by giving me the model and price? thanks alot.
sorry for inconvinence..
i'm just going to assume you want something simple and fuss-free suitable for all players from beginners to experts (since u didn't provide any more detailed information).

just go to yamaha and find something you like. prices range from 200+ for the simple ones to 1k+ for the higher end ones.

the series u want to look at is called the PSR series. PSR-XXX where xxx is their model number. built-in speakers, portable, plays many sounds.