Need advice for power supplies


New member
Hey guys, Finally deciding to explore single pedals once more, and was hoping I could get some recommendations on what power supplies you guys would use. Been using a GT10 for the longest time so I haven't had to worry about this factor just yet. I'm looking for a power supply that would preferably be able to power all the below listed pedals, and then some.. Would appreciate your advice!

Here's my setup:

1. Boss TU-2 Tuner (9v, 55mA)

2. MI Audio Tube Zone which I intend to run at 18v, but can't find the current draw for this pedal (doesn't seem to be stated in the manual too!)

3. Probably will add a booster for my lead tones (yet to be decided but won't worry too much about this)

4. Boss PS-5 Super Shifter (9v, 50mA draw)

5. Boss DD-20 (9v, 172mA draw)

Currently I'm looking at getting the Voodoo Labs Pedal Power 2 Plus.. Will probably stack 2 9v outputs to 18v to power the Tube Zone, the remaining 2 9v outputs to alternate my tuner, shifter and booster, and one of the line 6 outputs for the DD20.

I'm still exploring other options though.. What would you guys recommend?