My new single: Apotropaic (Doom Metal)


New member
Hi everyone, I'm J and I'm releasing my new single, Apotropaic. It leans towards doom, and its fully home-recorded. Hope everyone can have a listen and provide constructive criticisms of the song.

You can hear the song here:

Do visit my Myspace page as well in my sig. :D
dude,some constructive comments.

1.)The vocal choir's melodies has slient parts in between which sounds off,it needs to be linked together,(if i'm not wrong,u stopped then played the same melody again resulting in the silence...)

2.)the piano should be played slurred,not staccato for better effect and more sustain

Nothing much,everything else is pretty good actually
Thank you for listening! The vocals have empty spaces cos i need to take very deep breaths hahaha. Need to improve on my singing skills and the looping as well. I shall look into that for future recordings. About the piano, I just thought staccato might have a better effect on the mood haha. thx for the comments!
hrm droning is intentional, not sure whether u have listened to funeral doom before. as for boring, well i guess i will try harder to make my nxt piece more interesting then. thank you for listening!
As an avid doom listener, i quite like the track. The intro is good.

But as the vocals comes in, the guitar part seem to have soften down. As you know, Funeral doom is also based on the guitars. The low deep tone of the guitar is being distinguish from the doom itself. That's the impact for the guitars in Funeral Doom music.

But overall, the vocals are good. Cheers!
hrm ok i will take note of that in the future. i was afraid the choir will be drowned out by the guitars. Thank you for the feedback and for listening!