MIA Fender Jazz w/ Badass III & Audere JZ3 PRICED TO MOVE $1200


New member
MIA '97 Fender Jazz

It's been nicely upgraded with an Audere JZ3 pre (approx $240) and a BadAss III bridge (approx $120), IMHO the two vital components that opens up the true capabilities of any jazz bass. The Audere is very transparent and subtle yet amazingly powerful. You can get a million tones out of this puppy with the 3 band eq and Z-mode settings.

Phenomenal player, great neck, sounds just killer, and I mean killer. NAILS that classic 60's J-Bass tone. Has a vintage fat round tone all through the neck fingerstyle, just the most insane slap tone that sizzles and bites (the well loved tone we hear on records from the 60s/70s), you also get that huge burpy growl with the bridge pup solo-ed, and one of the best, if not the best thick thumpy p tone from the neck pup on a jazz. You can truly dial in the most beautiful tones with this bass. Not to mention, the neck is fast and very comfortable with low action. Well all in all, you get the idea. It's everything you can possibly ask for in a jazz bass.

Day shots finalleh! Grab a towel or some tissues :cool:








The need for funds is the only reason I'm letting this baby go.

Get in touch through email or text NOW! alnino10@gmail.com / 9457 8048

Thanks cheesedaele!

Well as we speak, this bass is....
SOLD to a fine young gentleman. Enjoy the bass buddy!