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an experimental sound performance by critically acclaimed musicians from Switzerland and Singapore, Dave Phillips and One Man Nation with supporting act Elegant Bachelor.

Date: 2nd of August 2007

Time: 1900-2200hrs

Venue: *scape @ Youth Park
113 Somerset Road
National Youth Centre

T: 67344 233 F: 6836 2471

Performers: Dave Phillips (Switzerland)
One Man Nation
Elegant Bachelor

Admission price: $5

Dave Phillips (Switzerland)
Dave Phillips, established musician from the legendary but now defunct grindcore band Fear Of God will grace the stage of Singapore for the very first time, unleashing his version of music on to unsuspecting ears with a fury driven by animal and human liberation. Well traveled and widely admired, his music has been the fuel for the disenchanted and marginalized, the ones who always felt the radio and MTV were never part of their lives. The ones who felt that songs and structures meant nothing more than by products of a prefabricated society. The ones who want their music to reflect their lives, the modern futuristic rush, disconnected from mainstream media. This is not for the faint hearted.

Marco aka One Man Nation (Singapore)
From ambient to folk to electronica to glitch, One Man Nation has meandered seemlessly through all pigeon-holed genres and trends creating electic sounds that stretches bounderies unsurpassed by imagination. A renegade producer of electronic music from the city-state of Singapore, he has 3 studio releases to date filled with tunes described as "tantalizes one's ears with a patchwork of everyday samples, delicately drizzled over droning sounds". He is fresh off his 2nd tour of Europe playing in Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, France and the Czech Replublic. One Man Nation is currently preparing for a tour in China this August to September and another tour in Australia/NZ in November and December. His works can be sampled at

Supporting Acts:

Elegant Bachelor (Singapore)
Shazanah Hassan started playing music in 2000 as a vocalist/keyboardist with avant-garde post-rock band Hearing Hill. The bulk of her music work, however, falls under two of her solo projects, Elegant Bachelor and Ducky Star. Under these guises, she has collaborated with various other musicians such as Mick The Pick, Morphy and Xuan. As Elegant Bachelor, Shazanah Hassan attempts to explore the theatrical and performative elements of music performances that she feels have been somewhat lost. In her performances, Elegant Bachelor tries to achieve a trance-like state peculiar to certain music traditions of Indonesia and uses her body as much as her voice as a mode of expression. In doing so, she hopes to forge a space in which the listener/viewer is drawn into an entire, not just auditory, experience. Her music is heavily influenced by the traditional music of various countries, most notably Indonesia and Japan, as well as more contemporary musicians such as Brian Eno and Kate Bush.

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