Making Music on Gameboy Workshop


New member
The gameboy had amazing soundtracks for games such as Super Mario Land and Tetris.
But what if you could make your own music on this vintage piece of hardware?
This workshop will help get you started making music on a gameboy and potentially becoming a chiptune musician.

This workshop will touch on what Chiptune/ChipMusic is all about.
But most importantly, we will go in depth and guide you on how to create sounds and write music using a gameboy and by the end of the workshop you will have a masterpiece of your own.

Date: 19 Dec 2020 (Saturday)
Time: 3-5PM, 5-7PM
Venue: Verta Collective @ Lipo Building #07-04

More information and tickets available here:

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We're not savages! The "Making Music on a Gameboy" Workshop will be conducted on light modified gameboys so that you don't strain you eyes from the original dark screens.
Get your tickets now and learn to make music on a gameboy!
Workshop on making music on a gameboy is happening in 2 weeks time!
There will be 2 sessions of 2 hours each and max seating of 5 per session.
Tickets are free, but you will have to grab a ticket before they are gone.

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