loud amp question...


New member
if i turn up the volume of my 40watt amp placed on the floor, can the neighbours below hear the sound/noises?
can the sound travel through the concrete floor?

i just wanna make sure i'm not disturbing them. skali kana complain. 8O
sound can travel through any medium, through floor or through air. Even if you placed your amp on a sturdy table, sound will still be present. ie your neighbours can still hear it if you turn up loud enough.

the difference is that the floor is more likely to vibrate harder if you place your amp on the floor. which can translate to more perceived loudness.
sound travels in all directions.

but the speaker is faced in one direction, so most of the sound goes through that one direction.
If you ask me, The amp usually has some dampers below the amp, I don't think it will be that obvious that your neighbours downstairs will hear you when you crank the amp up loud unless you open the windows or something

Other than that, its not going to be as bad as drums. =)
just blast ur amp ah, until got complain then lower ur volume abit hahaha...no complains, then just blast all the way
thnx saloman..

guitarnoob. haha. i shall try that. lets see wheres the limit. :twisted:
maybe you ask them to help you test. turn it up and when they hear it, they call you so you always know how hi u can go.

My neighbour hears my 18w amp so yur 40w should have them calling the police!! :lol:

Maybe consider also airbrake or hotplate?
considering when someone karaokes, the whole block can hear em, i dont see why you cant full blast your amp :lol:
If you don't want other people to punk sai on your head, then don't go punk sai on other people's head.

Like they say, what goes around comes around. A bird bird person will always attract bird bird consequence upon himself.

lao fu zhi
GuitarNoob said:
just blast ur amp ah, until got complain then lower ur volume abit hahaha...no complains, then just blast all the way

Don't do this unless you are a complete asshole, unless it is for *very short* periods. What if somebody is too intimidated to complain? Old or Disabled? Or has a need for quiet such as having young children that sleep early, or is studying for an exam?

Additionally, if you do this, MOE can confiscate your equipment with NO WARNING if somebody has complained to them, and nobody wants that right?
ermm, two words..
no kick.. :D

If your version of "kick" means loudness, there's really not much u can do.Prehaps u can reduce the floor vibrations by using an amp stand and place the amp in a direction to minimise the noise heard from the speaker i.e face away from the people u do not want ot disturb.
that "confiscating my stuff" sounds scary..

i'm not using a tube amp. guess that method is not applicable to me.

well, i play in my room. i do close the door and window when i decide to turn up the volume. well, most of the time.
i know sound can still escape through the window eventhough it's closed, but it wont be that loud. right? right?
all i'm worried is if the neighbour below can hear "thumping" or any other sound from the amp (which i place on the floor) if i turn it up.
Just put a folded blanket or those thick floormats under your amp. Square area should be bigger than your amp's footprint. Should improve the damping if previously was poorer damping.