Looking for people to form Posthardcore band!


New member
Hi, my name is Jordan. And yes, as mentioned above I'm looking to form a band.
Abit about myself, I'm 20 this year. Currently serving the country. Some influences to name are Escape The Fate, Asking Alexandria. And I would actually be the singer of the band.

So basically the band consist of only me, for now:) Lacking a drummer, bassist, two guitarist and a second vocal who will be mostly doing the screaming parts. (BEST, if any of those playing can scream!)

I'm looking for people who
- Can play, knows his/her instrument well
- Able to write/do originals (be it as a band or on your own)
- Are able to jam at least once a week during weekends (more if there's an upcoming performance)
- Of course, loves playing music:)

And well if you're interested, please contact me at 97303721 (text, please!)
or contact me at crimson_maniacs04@hotmail.com
